Black system created page

Please see the following picture (Black System Created Page) and then visit My Passport URLs Website Links, then you may know find out the Black system/Indian Government use this website for their correspondence to their Black Peoples communication networks for further actions for future plans.

My Passport URLs Website Links

Chennai to Dubai - There was no stampings indicating that my immigration clearance of my departure from Chennai airport. (Without immigration I went to Dubai?)

Arrival from Dubai - Chennai Immigration clearence - Record corruption on my passport [a proof for forward date fraud specification]

There was no stampings indicating that my immigration clearance of my departure from Chennai airport. (Without immigration I went to Singapore?)

Malaysian Government recovery steps - Editing My Indian passport contents.

Arrival from Singapore to Chennai - Adding additional Immigration seal for indicating previous journey Dubai return date - forgery by Indian Government.

For relevent comparasion cross checking list my full set of passport content pages